Tel Aviv, April 26, 2005
Professor Moshe Kaveh
Bar Ilan University
Uri Avnery
Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc)
Dear Sir,
In various media interviews today you expressed anger at the decision of British university lecturers to declare a boycott against the Bar Ilan University, calling it "an unacceptable mixing of politics into academic life". When asked about the "Judea and Samaria College" which your university maintains at the settlement of Ariel, you stated that this was "an entirely non-political issue" and that said college was nothing more than "the largest of five colleges which Bar Ilan maintains at different locations in Israel". Indeed, you declared yourself and your colleagues to be proud of the decision to establish the Ariel college, and you felt no contradiction between continuing to maintain that college, at the investment of a considerable part of Bar Ilan's total resources, and the maintenance of extensive ties with universities worldwide, including in Britain.
As an example you mentioned your own ties as a physicist with Cambridge University and your plans to spend some time at Cambridge this summer - plans which, as you stated, remain unchanged also in the wake of the British lecturers' decision.
Surely, a person of your intelligence and experience can be expected to note the obvious contradictions in the above position. As you well know, Ariel is not "a location in Israel". Rather, Ariel is a location in a territory under military occupation, a territory which is not and has never been part of the state of Israel. Moreover, Ariel is a special kind of location: it is an armed enclave, created by armed force and dependent for its continued existence on force, and force alone.
The creation of Ariel is a severe violation of international law, specifically of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which specifically forbids an occupying power from transferring and settling its own citizens in the occupied territory. On the ground, the creation and maintenance of Ariel entailed and continues to entail untold hardships to the Palestinians who happen to live in the nearby town of Salfit and in numerous villages a long distance all around. Palestinian inhabitants are exposed to ongoing confiscation of their land so as to feed the land hunger of the ever-expending Ariel settlement, and their daily life are subjected to increasingly stringent travel limitations in the name of "preserving the settlers' security".
The government-approved plans to extend the "Separation Fence" so as to create a corridor linking Ariel to the Israeli border necessitate the confiscation of yet more vast tracts of Palestinian land, depriving thousands of villagers of their sole source of livelihood. Moreover, should the Ariel corridor be completed, it would cut deeply through the territory which the international community earmarked for creation of a Palestinian state, depriving that state of territorial continuity and viability. For that reason, the plan aroused widespread international opposition, not least from the United States, our main ally on the international arena.
In all of this the Bar Ilan University, of which you are president, made itself a major partner - indeed, since a violation of international law is involved, the term "accomplice" may well be used. The "Judea and Samaria College" which you and your colleagues established and nurtured has a central role in the settlement of Ariel, increasing its population and its economic clout. The college's faculty and students are prime users of the "Trans-Samaria Road", the four-lane highway which was created on confiscated Palestinian land in order to provide quick transportation to Ariel. The Palestinian villagers on whose land this highway was built are excluded from using it. They are relegated to a rugged, bumpy mountain trail.
It is you and your colleagues, Professor Kaveh,
who started mixing academics with politics. A very heavy mixture, such as few
universities anywhere ever engaged in. You cannot really complain when people in
Britain, who have different standards for what is the proper moral behavior of
academics (or for human beings in general) take action which you do not like. In
fact, if you are truly proud of establishing and maintaining the "Judea and
Samaria College", you must have the courage of your convictions and take the
consequences. Much better, of course, would be for you and your colleagues to
sever your connection with the ill-conceived settlement project - and than you
can quite rightly demand that the boycott be removed from your university.
Uri Avnery
Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc)
Ariel an "armed enclave"? When has Avnery last been there, I wonder.
For that matter, I also wonder why Ilan Pappe insists on continuing to work for the Haifa University, thus violating his own boycott. The again, he has never been accused of honesty before.
The only one from "the other side", who is still capable of making any kind of sense seems to be Sari Nusseibeh:
"Al-Quds University in eastern Jerusalem also came out against the academic boycott of Israel.
"We are informed by the principle that we should seek to win Israelis over to our side, not to win against them," said the university, which is headed by Dr. Sari Nusseibeh.
"Therefore...we believe it is in our interest to build bridges, not walls; to reach out to the Israeli academic institutions, not to impose another restriction or dialogue-block on ourselves."
If only you, Scott, and your "anti-everything" fellows would listen...
Posted by: Womble | April 26, 2005 at 02:26 AM
Meanwhile, jews fight for open borders in America, giving amnesty and drivers licenses to illegal immigrants from Mexico, and the immigration of millions of arabs and east indians into Europe. Jews are always attempting to make whites a minority in their own countries.
The world is awakening to the reality of Israel: a nation of sick, vicious, hypocritical jews who are a danger to everyone around them. The Association of University Teachers voted to sever links with Haifa and Bar-Ilan universities, and said it would consider boycotting a third. The message is clear: respectable people shun jews.
Posted by: rah14 | April 26, 2005 at 10:31 AM
Meanwhile, jews fight for open borders in America, giving amnesty and drivers licenses to illegal immigrants from Mexico, and the immigration of millions of arabs and east indians into Europe. Jews are always attempting to make whites a minority in their own countries.
The world is awakening to the reality of Israel: a nation of sick, vicious, hypocritical jews who are a danger to everyone around them. The Association of University Teachers voted to sever links with Haifa and Bar-Ilan universities, and said it would consider boycotting a third. The message is clear: respectable people shun jews.
Posted by: rah14 | April 26, 2005 at 10:34 AM
Take notes, Scott, take notes. The Nazis see this boycott as anti-Jewish- and they are the experts, y'know ;)
Posted by: Womble | April 26, 2005 at 04:27 PM
Uri Avenry is to Israel what Naom Chomsky is to America. He cannot die soon enough for me. Hey Fat Boy why don't you party like its 1939!
Posted by: Joel | April 26, 2005 at 05:36 PM
Wow, we get idiots from both perpectives after this post... I sure wish the racists would quit talking about "the jews" (whether you hate them or think they are the chosen people) and actually talk about the politics Scott's posts bring up.
And Womble -- don't take your own advice and take notes from Joel, please.
Posted by: adwred | April 26, 2005 at 05:54 PM
Acutally I think Noam Chomsky is much more radical the Avnery, but that's a topic for another day.
Womble, as for Al-Quds and the boycott, it's interesting how the JPost leaves out half of that story (which is surprising, esp. cause it's the anti-Israel side):
"A statement co-authored by Mr Barghouti, signed by 40 prominent Palestinian academics worldwide, condemns the [Al-Quds] statement as "seriously flawed". They point out, for example, that a recent poll of Al-Quds staff showed that three-quarters supported a boycott.",9959,1462656,00.html
It appears that the heads of Al-Quds needs to practice their listening skills.
As for the Nazis, you already know where I stand. They're crazies who see everything as either anti- or pro-jewish. If you're asking me to listen to them as a point of reference, you're out of luck, cause it ain't gonna happen.
I agree with adwred, lets talk about the issues and drop the fear and hate mongering. Joel, Nazi, anyone else, if you can't do that, then don't leave comments. (And I'm not so naive that I expect that to work.)
Posted by: scott | April 27, 2005 at 03:11 AM
One day you are going to have to explain your anti Israel obsession to us. How does it feel to be allied to a group (the Palestinians) who supported Hitler in World War II? What is it about the nihilism of Islamofascism with its suicide bombings, amputations, female genital mutilations, stoning to death of homosexuals, putting women into Burkas, honor killings, et al that you find appealing? Do you really believe in the false God called "Allah"? Do you really think that if al Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Joiahd and all those fun loving groups had their way, you would be allowed to sit around all day, eat Big Macs, smoke pot, listen to rap music, try to get laid?
Posted by: Hugh G. Rection | April 27, 2005 at 03:44 PM
I think the reason that the AWK is so anti Israel has very little to do with the perceived rights and wrongs of the Arab World - Israel conflict (it is not an Israeli-Palestinian conflict by the way since from 1949 - 67 the West Bank, Gaza and Old Jerusalem were in Arab hands)and I do not think that in his heart of hearts he has an affinity for Islamofascism. The reason why he feels the way he does is that he hates the society that has spawned him and andy society or ideology that is anti Western is A-OK with him. In another era he (like Jsutin Raimundo of - a Pat Buchanan/David Duke acolyte) would be a champion of Imperial Japan or like Charles Lindbergh and Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. an admirer of Nazi Germany or like H.G. Wells and Lillian Hellman - a Stalinist admirer. So instead of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Pol Pot he admires people such as the late Yasser Arafat, Sheik Yassin, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Zarqawi, et al.
Posted by: Joel | April 27, 2005 at 08:54 PM
The academic ban - Nazi connection
The Web site of Sue Blackwell, the Birmingham lecturer who presented motions calling for boycotts of Israeli universities, contains a recommended link to a Web site owned by an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi activist. Wendy Campbell, who owns the MarWen Media Web site, has promoted Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories discussing "unrivaled Jewish power," and maintains an additional Web site entitled "Exposing Israeli Apartheid," which is also linked by Blackwell.
MarWen Media, which is linked directly from Blackwell's Web site, advocates the views of Kevin Macdonald, an anti-Semitic pro-Nazi author, who has claimed Jews are responsible for a "breeding program" to conquer other "races."
Posted by: Hugh G. Rection | May 02, 2005 at 09:10 AM
Israel is a very divided society. Much of what is happening in the occupied territories is illegal under Israeli, and there are at least some Israeli civil servants who try to uphold the law. Have you seen the devastating report by Talya Sason from the Office of the Prime Minister (Yes!) on the illegal outposts - including illegal enlargement of existing settlements. His 100 pages of careful research find at least 105 illegal outposts against considerable obstruction even though the report was commissioned by the PM and condemns military commanders, the Settlement Division of the World Zionist Congress, the Commissioner of Government and Deserted Property (shades of 1984) the Civil Administration, the MOD and many others.
This is probably the best account there is of the exact mechanism whereby settlements and outpots are set up and administered.
It is interesting that he regards the settlers as the driving force, with the police and IDF reluctant to stand up to them. See
It would be good if you could do a feature on this - I haven't seen it covered elsewhere.
(Excuse the errors which I removed but they returned)
Posted by: John McKenzie | May 02, 2005 at 09:25 PM
Hi John,
I posted on it here:
a while ago when the report came out. It wasn't much of a feature, though. Maybe if I'm feeling up to it, I'll write something more. Thanks.
Posted by: scott | May 02, 2005 at 10:27 PM
I hope you all understand that anyone who confronts, exposes, challenges and resists Zionist tyranny is called such names as "anti-Semite", "neo-Nazi" and "Nazi"-- basically it's anyone Jews don't like.
If anyone really wants to find out where I am coming from, they really should take a look at my websites: and
We offer unique, ground-breaking, myth-shattering documentaries that can ONLY be found at
Also for more info about Wendy Campbell, you can do a google-search with the keywords "Wendy Campbell Israel Palestine".
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 14, 2005 at 02:50 AM
Wendy Campbell indeed IS a revolting Nazi cuntbag and fascist sewer whore as her comments above inadvertently reveal, i.e that a "Nazi" is simply anyone "Jews hate". And it is precisely because she DID look at Wendy's repulsive racist sites ("to get where I am really coming from") that Sue Blackwell has now removed her links to them. Wendy's explicit anti-Judaism (not just "anti-zionism") is what caused her to be repudiated by all but a tiny handful of Bay Area peace and justice activists and forced her to move to Southern California, where her Nazism is not yet as well known. The only appropriate response to racist/fascist trash such as her and her fiance Mark Green is not only verbal but PHYSICAL repudidation and attack.
Posted by: GENUINE anti-racist | May 14, 2005 at 12:54 PM
Obviously, "GENUINE anti-racist" is genuinely a psycho ZioNazi racist who belongs in a mental institution!
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 19, 2005 at 01:40 PM
Wendy, pretty much every thinking person has rightfully condemned you as anti-Jewish. I know this as I live in the Bay Area and have heard groups and individuals talk repeatedly about the messed up shit you've said.
You own comments here show your anti-Jewish thinking process. It is revolting and you're not doing anyone, least of all the Palestinians, any good by spewing your garbage. You and the likes of the JDL are just different sides of the same coin - and you both should be opposed.
Posted by: scott | May 20, 2005 at 06:46 PM
As I mentioned earlier, Sue Blackwell has now repudiated any links to Wendy once she took the trouble to actually read her websites. Here is Blackwell's response to them:
"Marwen Media
I have now had a chance to take a closer look at this site and consult Jewish friends on their views of it. There was nothing anti-semitic on the home page, which was all I was linking to; but buried in other pages on this site is some pretty nasty stuff which borders on Holocaust denial and further nasty stuff which crosses the border from anti-Zionism into anti-semitism. I'm happy to pull the plug on it.
Exposing Israeli Apartheid
I could not see anything anti-semitic on this site at a cursory inspection, but it's run by the same Wendy Campbell of Marwen Media. Goodbye Wendy, you're history as far as this site is concerned".
So we see: Even the most hardcore anti-zionists now see Wendy Campbell as the outright Nazi that she is (at least those who do not themselves share Wendy's affliction).
Posted by: GENUINE anti-racist | May 22, 2005 at 12:48 PM
Scott, you are entitled to your opinions, but many people around the USA and the world indeed agree with me and support me in more ways than one.
Sorry that you are so overly involved with conflicted Jews and their lackeys (obviously you are one), and you are holding the movement for Palestinian rights down by muddying the waters with your muddled, conflicted thinking.
Let's not mince words, White Bo, there can be no special priviledges for ANYONE, not even Jews and Israel.
Let's face it most Jews ARE Zionists and they support the idea of a JEWISH state--- DUH! Haven't you figured out that that is a racist concept YET??
Haven't you realized that the NeoCons have done a soft coup of the USA and it didn't happen overnite or by accident?
The ONLY way to peace is thru justice and that means NO Jewish state of Israel, but rather a transformation of Israel from a racist, ethnocentric Jewish state to a truly secular democracy with COMPLETELY equal rights for all, as well as total support for the Palestinian right to return, as well as reparations for all the Palestinians. This can and WILL happen through an international boycott of apartheid Israel along the exact same lines as how the apartheid government of South Africa was dismantled.
Most "anti-Zionists" in the Bay Area are really full of shit.
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 22, 2005 at 06:14 PM
PS Most non-Jews, like you perhaps, Scott, let Jewish so-called "anti-Zionists" in the "peace movement" tell them how to think, ie: what is taboo and what is not. It's a pity you give into being "managed" by them, even perhaps "controlled" by them.
For those who dare to think for yourselves, I encourage you to do a google-search on "Wendy Campbell Israel Palestine" and read about what a truly independent thinker thinks. And Zionists just HATE it that a non-Jewish White Christian woman takes it upon herself to inform the world of a better way, WITHOUT having to get anyone's "permission".
And they REALLY HATE the fact that I, Wendy Campbell, am making a big difference in the world, and am internationally famous from here to Tel Aviv to you name it.
Unlike many of the so-called "anti-Zionists" in the Bay Area, I am willing to put myself on the line, complete with my real name, my real face and my real words. Most of you in the Bay Area are really cowards and can't think for yourselves. NO WONDER there's not much progress in the anti-war movement! You allow yourselves to be completely compromised and neutered by the conflicted Jews who are dominating the anti-war movement in Bay Area.
Jewish Voice for Peace is a perfect example of a bunch of basically do-nothing Jews who sit around and kvetch endlessly. A bunch of apologists for Israel and Zionism is all they are.
The whole Caterpillar campaign they organized-- what a joke! AS IF the Caterpillar bulldozers that killed Rachel Corrie, dozens of Palestinians and continues to demolish thousands of Palestinian homes... AS IF those bulldozers where operated by ghosts or had minds of their own!
If The Jewish Voice for Peace REALLY wanted to make a difference they would be completely opposed to Zionism and Israel as a Jewish state and totally for equal rights for Palestinians throughout Israel-Palestine and totally for following the example of ending apartheid as what happened with South Africa. And of course totally for the Palestinian Right to Return.
Catch a clue, huh?!
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 22, 2005 at 06:40 PM
Please note how the e-mail from an idiot in the JDL reports how I was a leader in the anti-apartheid movement for South Africa, yet then claims that I am a racist! This is typical of the Zionists, whether they are "soft" Zionist or rabid Zionists, and their lackeys, such as YOU, Scott. Conflicted, muddled, stymied, contradictory and obtuse. These are just a few of the words that come to mind about Zionists in general. And that's being kind.
So read on, to read what YOUR
colleagues from the JDL write, along with OUR responses (if you have an open mind that is):
The Jewish Defense League Smears American Human Rights Activist Wendy Campbell
by Wendy Campbell, May 12, 2005
By now most people of any intelligence must realize that the true definition of an “anti-Semite” as well as a “neo-Nazi” or even just plain “Nazi” is anyone who confronts, challenges and resists Zionist Jewish (and Zionist Christian) tyranny, especially with regards to the struggle for equal rights and justice for the Palestinians in Palestine-Israel. But it goes much deeper than that. Consider the power and influence of organized Jewry in the United States at this time in the media, finance and politics, in particular.
The claims that I am some sort of a Nazi or white supremacist is completely ludicrous, as anyone with half a brain can figure out after looking at both of my websites ( and and by doing a simple google-search on the keywords “Wendy Campbell Israel Palestine” to find my articles which have been posted at a wide range of websites in order to reach the broadest audience possible.
Sue Blackwell, a British professor and one of the leaders for the recently successful boycott of Israeli academics in protest over Israeli apartheid, has been under attack for including links to my website, since my website has information that some organized Jews, mostly Zionists, have found offensive. Namely, they are opposed to the fact that we sell DVDs and tapes of an hour-long interview conducted by my colleague Mark Green with Professor Kevin MacDonald, author of “The Culture of Critique”. In it, Professor MacDonald puts forth a very scholarly thesis analyzing Jewish intellectual movements and their impact on Western civilization. The tape/DVD we offer is entitled “Deciphering Jewish Intellectual Movements”. Have you ever noticed how taboo it seems to even say the word “Jew” never mind analyze their intellectual movements and strategies? Well, just about every other taboo has been broken. I reckon it’s high time to break the taboo on publicly analyzing Jewish intellectual movements as well as Jewish propaganda and myths. These are very timely topics, considering the fact that the Neo-Concervatives, led by the likes of Jewish Zionist Paul Wolfowitz, are at the zenith of their power in the United States, and therefore the world.
Let me say for the record, I am against any kind of tyranny of any group of people over another. And I believe there should be completely equal rights for all regardless of religion, ethnicity, race or sex, and that there must be no special privileges for anyone, not even Zionist Jews and Israel.
By the way, the JDL notes below that I was a leader in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. How is that in any way consistent with being a “white supremacist” or “Nazi” of any sort? Like I said, it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, that Zionists resort to name-calling and lies since they cannot win with Truth and Reason.
Here is the e-mail I received from the JDL shortly after the slanderous article in The Jerusalem Post was published on May 1, 2005:
Hello JDL of Cali. We in NY have information for you. There is an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish monster in your backyards. Her name is Wendy Campbell. She runs 2 anti-Jewish sites. They are <> and <> . She supports the Institute for Historical Review. She was at the Ernst Zundel rally in LA. Her partner in crime is Marc Green. She has posted in message boards that she HATES Israel and is willing to work with "white pride" groups to take Israel down. She is even willing to work with Nazis as long as they don't advocate violence. She was a leader in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. So she is a leftist/communist. She is also a holocaust denier. She claims that Jews control the media, movies and brainwash Americans. She once shared a panel with Bradley Smith of the IHR. She is a dangerous Jew hater who masquerades as a concerned citizen. She associates with nazis, nazi sympathizers, Jew haters, etc. She even admires "Jewish" Holoaust denier David Cole. I have cc'd this Jew hater, so she knows that the JDL knows whom she is.
Here is her info:
Wendy Campbell
P.O. Box 10458
Oakland, CA 94610
Wendy Campbell
Marwen Media
P. O. Box 1463
La Quinta, CA 92247
SEE BELOW: Wendy Campbell and Mark Green respond to The Jerusalem Post’s Slanderous Article (original article is at the end)
The Jerusalem Post Smears American and British Critics of Israel and Zionism
Below are Mark Green and Wendy Campbell’s responses to a slanderous article which was published in The Jerusalem Post on May 1, which follows directly below the letters. By the way, we are “shocked, SHOCKED” that Zionists wrote such a ridiculous “article” with their typical knee-jerk smears, but not surprised. How can anyone take them seriously? -WC
To the Editor:
In law, it is said that when you have a strong case, argue the merits. When the case is weak, argue the law. Similarly, in politics, when a position becomes untenable, the last resort is commonly to “shoot the messenger”. It’s regrettable that The Jerusalem Post is resorting to this tactic [May 1, 2005, Jerusalem Post, by Yaakov Lappin, “The Academic Ban – Nazi Connection]. Case in point: your defamatory mischaracterizations of the ideas and purposes behind the works of Wendy Campbell and Professor Kevin MacDonald. Why must gentile critics of Israeli and Jewish politics be so commonly characterized as Nazis?
Ms. Campbell is no “neo-Nazi”. Professor Kevin MacDonald, the author of three controversial though serious and scholarly works on Judaism, is no “pseudo-intellectual”.
To mix these kinds of reckless accusations in a so-called “news story” diminishes your newspaper and undermines journalistic credibility.
Mark Green
Co-editor, MarWen Media
California, USA <>
To the Editor:
It is surprising to me that a famous newspaper such as The Jerusalem Post would print an article that puts forth pernicious and libelous claims without even interviewing me. Such claims that I am a “neo-Nazi” and associated with White Supremacists are not only untrue but they are a form of “hate-crimes” in and of themselves, since I have received several unpleasant and hateful e-mails and phone calls, including from the terrorist organization the JDL (Jewish Defense League) right after your bogus article by Yaakov Lappin, May 1, 2005.
If anyone really cares to know about my politics and where I am coming from, they can simply do a google-search on “Wendy Campbell Israel Palestine” and see that many of my articles are posted on a wide variety of websites, from far left to far right and everything in between, which is my goal as I seek to spread the word of Truth and peace and justice for ALL with no special privileges for anyone, not even Jews or Israel.
Another good way to find out about my beliefs is to visit my websites ( <> and <> ) and to obtain some of the unique documentaries that we offer, including some produced by myself and others including political pundit , TV host and producer Mark Green.
Your article reinforces my charge that most of what passes for journalism these days, especially in the USA, is outright propaganda, mostly lies and name-calling, to covertly further a political agenda, most commonly: Zionism, and support for the Zionist Jewish state of Israel.
For this reason, people need to be responsible and take the time to widely research important issues of today, such as Zionism and the origin of the Palestine-Israel conflict. [Note: a great primer on this can be found at <> .]
After all, Zionists say that people should have known about what Hitler was doing to the Jews, and should have intervened. Today, human rights activists around the world say that people need to know about what’s been happening to the Palestinians (ethnic-cleansing and slow genocide) and that we must pressure our government to intervene and stop supporting the racist ideology of Zionism.
Best wishes for peace and justice for ALL,
Wendy Campbell
Co-editor of MarWen Media and Documentary Film-maker <>
P.S. Contrary to what Zionists say, not all Jews are Zionists. Please take a look at <> to find out more.
May. 1, 2005 23:10 | Updated May. 1, 2005 23:29
The academic ban - Nazi connection
The Web site of Sue Blackwell, the Birmingham lecturer who presented motions calling for boycotts of Israeli universities, contains a recommended link to a Web site owned by an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi activist. Wendy Campbell, who owns the MarWen Media Web site, has promoted Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories discussing "unrivaled Jewish power," and maintains an additional Web site entitled "Exposing Israeli Apartheid," which is also linked by Blackwell.
MarWen Media, which is linked directly from Blackwell's Web site, advocates the views of Kevin Macdonald, an anti-Semitic pro-Nazi author, who has claimed Jews are responsible for a "breeding program" to conquer other "races."
Under the heading "Sue Blackwell's links on Israel and Palestine," Blackwell provides a link to the MarWen site, along with the following description: "MarWen Media offers the latest in groundbreaking documentaries, breaking through barriers and taboos that mainstream media – and even most alternative media do not venture." Blackwell writes that "the documentaries, mostly about Israel, Zionism, and Palestine, are by Wendy Campbell; see her other site, Exposing Israeli Apartheid."
Combining anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, Holocaust denial and vilification of Israel, Campbell writes: "It is no accident that Israeli 'security' is now the centerpiece of US foreign policy. How are the highly placed "friends of Israel" able to bamboozle so much of the world?"
She peddles Holocaust denial, saying, "It's a staggering fact that in numerous 'free, Western democracies' (such as Germany, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and others) it's a crime to question the official Jewish death toll figures or the gas chamber story in the events now called The Holocaust. Penalties include fines and actual imprisonment! Holocaust heretic Ernst Zundel was deported from the US to Canada where he spent two years in solitary confinement. Now he sits in a German prison. Who's next?"
MarWen Media offers a videotaped interview with Kevin MacDonald, accompanied by the following description: "Prof. Kevin MacDonald is the author of three groundbreaking books on Judaism, the most recent being The Culture of Critique. In it, MacDonald concludes that Jewish intellectual movements including Freudian psychology, Marxism (including other radical, Leftist politics), the Frankfurt School of Social Research, the New York intellectuals and others, including right-wing NeoConservatism, have all been designed to advance specifically Jewish interests – often at the expense of non-Jewish interests. MacDonald's incisive analyses offer an alternative view of western history and has the potential to change the course of major events still unfolding."
MacDonald is a pseudo-intellectual white supremacist,who claims that Jews have been practicing a "breeding" program "masked" as a Jewish religious code, in a sinister bid to subjugate the world, and holds that Jews are responsible for an impending "race war" in the US.
Blackwell, who was described by columnist David Aaronovitch as a "former Christian fundamentalist," has said on her Web page that "I do not include links to sites which promote either racism or terrorism. This has always been my policy and applies to all my 200+ Web pages, not just this one."
Her Web site is reported to be under a House of Commons Committee investigation for a previous link to a Web site blaming Jews for the 9/11 attacks.
Ronnie Fraser, chairman of the Academic Friends of Israel group, told The Jerusalem Post that he was "shocked but not surprised."
LINK to original article:
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 22, 2005 at 06:51 PM
PPS One more thing. If you read anything written about me in any Jewish publication, you should not believe it, with the exception of The Jewish Bulletin, which has very nice reporters.
Apart from that, Jewish publications have written many lies about me such as that I am was at a rally in Berkeley calling people "ZioNazis" ( I was not even at that rally!!) or that I have been to Israel (NEVER will I EVER go to Israel until it is a TRUE secular democracy with competely equal rights for ALL). And of course the usual dopey smears of "Nazi", "Neo-Nazi" or "White supremacist"--- NONE of which is true. I am not even a "Holocaust denier" --- I am skeptical of Holocaust lore put out there by the Zionists, who continue to prove themselves to be relentless LIARS. I have the right to be skeptical. As others have the right to be skeptical about whether or not Jesus Christ arose from the dead! NO SPECIAL PRIVILEDGES FOR JEWS. That's the way to PEACE and JUSTICE and true EQUALITY.
By the way, I do often refer to Zionists as ZioNazis. Because they are.
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 22, 2005 at 07:09 PM
with every comment, you make that hole deeper for yourself, wendy. you're not going to goad me into responding to your attacks. it must be exhausting seeing zionists and their conspiracies everywhere you look. i would pity your kind if you didn't disgust me so much.
Posted by: scott | May 22, 2005 at 10:42 PM
Well, Scott, it must be SO SIMPLE to take your lead from Zionists, both Jewish and Christian. I pity you for your self-deception and the fact that you have the "politically correct" blinders on. Thanks to people like you, the anti-war movement is going very, very slowly if at all. Sorry if you find my views disgusting. But what is more disgusting is self-deception as well as deception, because the Truth must first be revealed and understood and fully confronted before any progress will be made towards justice for the Palestinians, something YOU and the other deluded types, make a big show of caring about, but you are too COWARDLY to think independently or clearly. I not only pity you, but most of all I pity all the victims of your lame inactions based on self-deception. That includes the Palestinians and the Iraqis.
By the way, why don't you read Prof. Kevin MacDonald's book entitled "The Culture of Critique". You might catch a clue.
Or if you prefer, I will send you "Deciphering Jewish Intellectual Movements" an interview with him on DVD. You just might get some insight into how things work.
But I doubt if you can even begin to think outside of your Zionized box.
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 23, 2005 at 12:32 AM
P.S. Oh yes, Scott, and it must be SO exhausting to go around thinking that everyone who notices that Jews have a disproportionate and biased control over the US media and over US foreign policy is some kind of "Nazi" and "White Supremacist" conspirator just dying to finish Hitler's "Final Solution"! You really must see that you have been ZIONIZED. Guess you've watched all those Holocaust movies and TV shows and gone to all the Holocaust Museums and such, and fell for every bit of guilt-tripping wartime propaganda like you were supposed to. Loser.
Posted by: Wendy Campbell | May 23, 2005 at 12:40 AM
Wendy goes deeper and deeper into the trap-conclusively proving yet again what a revolting racist subhuman Jew-hating Nazi sewer hag she really is. By the way, Wendy regularly refers not only to "zionazis" and to "holocaust lore" (she of course IS a holocust denier) but to "Jew York City" and the "Jew York Times" (as she did on Santa Barbara Indymedia just last year). And she also is a regular contributor to the "National Vanguard" publication of the National Alliance, hence the correct assertion that she IS a "white supremacist". Virtually every word she writes or speaks is a lie, including "and" and "the".
Posted by: GENUINE anti-racist | May 23, 2005 at 12:49 AM