Rally for student occupiers and their demands
Tuesday, February 14
7 PM
South side of Washington Square Park
Manhattan, NYC
Sign the petition expressing your support for the students.
My note to the NYU Vice President of Public Affairs John Beckman, in response to an email similar to this statement:
Dear Mr. Beckman,
The NYU administration handled itself in a disgraceful manner in trying to resolve the occupation. This was epitomized by the administration agreeing to negotiations then detaining and suspending the student negotiators when they arrived. That was nothing but thuggish and cowardly behavior. It was certainly not respectful of the "free exchange of ideas" to which you say NYU is committed. I also saw video this evening of a security guard physically assaulting Farah Khimji while dragging her off the balcony. Is that a "measured response"? This is my first semester at NYU and based on the administration's behavior during this occupation I have learned that NYU does not keep its word and it will use physical force against those who disagree with it. This is deeply disturbing to me, as it is to my friends, colleagues and family.
As Take Back NYU! has emphasized, for many months they have been attempting to engage the administration regarding their concerns. NYU showed then, as it shows now, a complete disregard for the valid concerns of its students. That is the other lesson I learned this past week. NYU has no respect nor tolerance for the grievances of its student body when those grievances may affect NYU's business model. That truly shows where its priorities are.
Scott Campbell
Draper Program
The manner in which these protesters engaged themselves in shows how little in which they understand the processes they attempted to engage themselves in. However, to be so privileged and then to act in such a disrespectful manner, is something that many of us in modern day society have come to expect from the spoiled youth of today. Allow me to break down some of the places where you children went horribly wrong. Let us confer to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q6KAg6qEGY
0:35 -- "Fucking scumbags." The individual who made such a lewd comment to somebody who is speaking appropriatelly and respectfully to you is just pathetic. Not only do you hinder your cause, but you show how much of your effort is just mere authoritarian action. It destroys any merit that you had.
0:37-0:59 -- The whining baby who keeps mouthing off needs to get some perspective of the real world. I realize mommy and daddy more than likely have given him a sheltered life, free from the sufferings of your average American, but that doesn't absolve him of the standards of decency to which are expected of us.
1:20 -- To the 'leader' who claims it is a student space. No it isn't. This is a building managed by the administration. You have no control over the property or how it is used and any claim otherwise is pure tomfoolery. If you wanted a space of your own you should have rented a location or obtained the proper permits for a specific location in which you have legal authorization to engage in properly coordinated protests.
1:30 -- You don't know what brutality is. But it seems that you see that invading your personal bubble is brutality. It is a shame that such resources are wasted on you.
2:05 -- The reason they aren't explaining to you what is going on is because you are unfathomably unreasonable. As you have shown earlier in the video -- If their actions do not coincide with your exact wishes and perspective it is 'unnecessary'.
2:30 -- The man in the red shirt and hat who is explaining to you should be commended for his proper etiquette when handling you. You are acting like paranoid child, get a grip on yourself.
2:40 -- Now that is how you should behave. Good job on that part.
4:15 -- That man should be given a medal. He truly cares and is doing his very best to work with you, an unreasonable student. If he wanted to he could have had that officer detain you at any time for your conduct on NYU premises. Instead he is trying to calmly explain to you the procedure in which he is taking and attempting to calm you down so you don't get further out of hand.
5:30 -- Speaker you really need to work at McDonald's for a few years. You also need some blue collar work so you get a better perspective of how you are behaving.
5:50 -- How pathetic of you. Don't scream like a frantic child. Nobody was hurting you or assaulting you.
6:40 -- The man even backed away to give you more space. It was obvious with how scattered your group was that you had no actual plan. You just wanted to be hip & edgy, showing that you 'aren't going to take it anymore!'
8:15 -- Now I'm just laughing. A MacBook? And you guys say you aren't privileged brats. Designer clothing and MacBooks... woe are you.
8:30-8:57 -- The anti establishment quips really show how little you understand about the world around you. If you really genuinely understanding of the issues that you are 'protesting' about you wouldn't even be at NYU. Nor would you be wearing designer clothes or using MacBooks.
You guys acted inappropriately and take a good look at yourselves. Hopefully you will gain some perspective from your probation/etc.
Posted by: David Mcafen | February 24, 2009 at 11:29 PM